The Long Beach Civic Association was established in the 1930s to serve the Long Beach community’s needs.  Monthly Board meetings are held on the second Saturday of each month at 10am at the Long Beach Community Center. All property owners are welcome, the meetings are intended to be open and transparent to the community. Often the board will engage guest speakers on a variety of topics to start the meeting; the speaker may be from the county to update attendees on the status of different projects such as the Flag Ponds Revetment Project. The Sheriff’s office has sent deputies to speak of crime and safety (we have been informed that our community is the safest in Calvert County). Environmental speakers from the Chesapeake Bay Institute located in Solomons Island have presented at our meetings. Most recently, the board arranged for a food truck to be parked at the Community Center during our meetings.



The LBCA also emails notices from the County regarding roadwork closures, Board of County Commissioner (BOCC) meetings, mosquito control, Flag Ponds Living Shoreline project, etc. Community emails may be for lost/found pets, events such as National Night Out, theatrical productions, Community Cleanup Day, Summer Kick-off Beach Parties, etc.

These emails are sent to every property owner who provides an email, whether they have purchased a membership or not.

The role of the LBCA is one of stewardship for the care and well-being of our community, the Chesapeake Bay and to protect and maintain our community’s assets. The annual election of the board officers and board members happens in October when the ballot is sent to all members by email. Nominations for the board may be made by any property owner, however, only members of the association may vote. Property owners who opt not to purchase full membership ($100) may pay $15 for a voting membership. A voting membership was established at the request of property owners who do not need/want parking passes or other benefits of membership; they may want to remain active with volunteer work sponsored by the LBCA, .and they definitely want to vote in the Annual Election in October.

The LBCA encourages every property owner to provide their email address so that email notices about meeting agendas and the minutes from the meetings may be sent to them.